About Us

Working closely with likeminded people, Carita Express’ aim is to hero the plantations that produce our coffee.

It is our goal to educate, to support, to share knowledge and to help fund the growth of conscientious coffee plantations across the world.

Our mission is transparent and simple:

  • We work alongside farmers to ensure that our plantations and their communities are operated in the most organic, sustainable way possible
  • We invest in the education of the community; when the coffee is not certified we pay the farmers a 10% premium on the market price, giving them a platform on which to achieve that goal.
  • We invest in the growth of Fairtrade; where coffee is certified, we still choose to invest a 5% premium to ensure that the communities continued efforts toward sourcing sustainably.
  • We exclusively work with roasteries who invest their profit back into supporting local people and projects.
  • We source products that are environmentally sustainable and do not harm the planet.